Sunday, 31 March 2013

International Table Top Day 2013

Mother of 2 amazing girls
Wife of 1 wonderful geek
Unashamed Buffy geek (Joss Geek), and Whovian.

That's who i am, how I identify myself.
Oh and one more thing.
Lover of board games.

Just under 12 months ago our little family here discovered that board games didn't have to render grown ups bored.
We'd dabbled, already owned a few of the 'designer' games, Talisman, Game of Thrones board game.  we'd played Magic the Gathering in college., yeeeeears ago, but had never really given them a real go.
Then we discovered Arkham Horror and that was the beginning for us.
Well that as well as the local board gaming group and 'Geek and Sundry's' 'Table Top'.
We've discovered and, and our family has come to enjoy sharing games on a regular basis, they are a big part of our life.
Since then the wonderful world of board games has continued to open up for us until we felt we had a firm place within it.With such young kids there are so many benefits to board games, educational, social, and emotional that are wonderful to bring into the home and for a husband and wife who had taken to existing in their own corners and rarely coming out to interact with each other any more it's been a wonderful way to come together again.
I want to share my love.
I want to talk about my love

So where better to start than with
International Table Top Day.
March 30 2013 was the first ever International Table Top Day as declared on Geek and Sundry.
Our local stores ran events and we ran a small event with our family here (it is hard to take kids of 3 and 4 to big gaming events)
We started running games at 4 pm 30.03.13 our time which translates to 12 am 03.30.13 EST in the US and played until 4 pm the next day (with some sleep in there of course).  Played 11 games in total, some with multiple sessions.
There were;
Epic Train rides in 'Ticket to Ride'

And I managed to be the singular winner despite David declaring ‘Uno’ first. To which Tori declared ‘Oh bover’.

cranky birds being flicked across the table with ‘Angry Birds: The Card Game’

Battles with halitosis and Jazz zombies in ‘Descent 2.0, Journeys in the Dark’

And `While all the penguins had a good feed, they still fought over the fish in ‘Hey, That’s my Fish’

We threw some pigs around in ‘Pass the pigs’

Lords were victorious in Waterdeep, ‘Lords of Waterdeep’

And farmers farmed their way to victory in ‘Agricola’ (yes it’s Farmville in a board game) Played with my parents who came to join in the festivities with us.

The tower finally declared ‘F U Physics’ in ‘Jenga’

And we made a faerie grotto with Faerie Domino’s.

There was roadkill at the store, actually they scared the crap out of the kids but from the store we brought home two New Additions to our gaming family.  The event at the store looked to go well and while we couldn't join in this time we're thinking next year we might stay and get the girls involved a bit.

All in all it seems like a good place to start.  We love games, and the community that comes with the board gaming world.  I'm raising geeks proudly, and having fun doing it.