Saturday 21 December 2013

Sunday Sample

It's Sunday morning and I have a birthday party to go to so this will be short
this week has been game-tastic.
There are 6, count them, SIX new games in the house and one expansion

Kingdom Builder
Pizza party
Say Anything
Family Fluxx
and the expansion is
We Didn't Play Test This Either.

I've had the chance to play Say Anything and Tokaido thus far but not with the kids.
Pizza party looks to be a simple little game, would fit in a stocking well and the kids should be able to play it too. I'll get them to sit and play some games asap I swear.

Xmas is in four days I think most games you might have bought have in fact been bought already and that's a good thing because the local store owner was saying her shelves are all but bare, she's got new stock coming in soon though, before the big day for those running a little late to the party.

At this stage the best I can do is say my list of games to play with the kids now comes to...
Walk the Plank
Pizza Party
and I’m sure there are others.
My wish list is shrinking fast at this time of year which is great, I think there's even another one under the tree.

So not a lot to add this week, Husband is off work now so maybe we'll get more played as a family for the next couple of weeks.
I do have a list of entries i want to get to in the new year I'll start working on those after the big day.

In the mean time Merry Christmas everyone I wish lots of family, love, friends and fun...


Sunday 15 December 2013


This won't happen often i promise, and it has NOTHING to do with board games.

Don't mind me, i'm just going to rant for a bit

In my experience as a kid, I cared not for whether my favorite characters on TV were male or female. I never understood why it mattered, so what if Astro boy was a boy, I’d call myself Astro boy and be the coolest person in the game any way. I never pretended to be April O'Neal...why would it? It was the turtles were were cool so I pretended to be one of them. Gender didn't matter. So when I saw Batman Returns in the cinema twice, as in we came out of one session, bought tickets and went straight back in, I was there to see batman. In black, and all manly like (I was about 9 so it wasn't like that at all). The Disney princesses of the day bored me for the most part, and seriously who wouldn't get bored waiting to be rescued? And I had care bears, My little Ponies and VOLTRON in my toy box like any kids of the 80's.

Jump forward to having my own girls, I'd spent very little time thinking about how girls were represented or marketed towards because who cared? Really, girls like what girls like just as boy like what boys like, why the heck not? We make up our own minds, right?

Well to an extent, yes. But as a mother of two girls, and being in the middle of weathering a Christmas season I have to say my husband and I find ourselves both completely disgusted and utterly confused at some of the things we see.

The example that first comes to my mind when I think of shocking advertising material is Disney's boxes of books.

My husband spotted this and was truly disgusted. Our youngest LOVES Toy Story, and Finding Nemo, I personally loved The Lion King when I was young. In fact of the 'girls' books we regularly view 'Tangled' and “Tinkerbell' The rest, not so much. This could be why.

But Disney has changed and evolved through time. There are a number of their 'Princess' movies that we let the girls watch now, and this isn't actually an anti Disney post because we see things like this on the shelf as well.

Google Search Result: Nerf for Girls

Ok, so yes I did the search with this result in mind, because I knew what would come up. Nerf, for girls...seriously? Why does it have to be pink, and purple? I'm a long time hater of the colour pink, largely because it was expected that as a girl I’d like it. However, that aside...why?
I'm going to start with my least outrage-y stance here, the colour.
It's pink, so does the colour make this

Nerf Rebelle Crush Blaster

appeal more than this?

Nerf Vortex Firestrike

WHY? Because it's pink? If you look closely the Firestrike is clearly cooler, no question, it has a laser pointer (light beam) built in.

Colour aside because even my husband acknowledges that the pink, white ad black does in fact look cool (“But why does it have to be for girls?”)
Let's look at the names of these weapons.

The Crush Blaster
The Sweet Revenge Blaster
And my personal favourite, The Heart Breaker Crossbow.


The standard range of nerf have these:
Hailfire Blaster
Strongarm Blaster
Electro Storm
And so many more that are no where near as offensive.

Why do the 'girls' weapons get names that clearly imply not only personal Vendetta's but romances and or romantic feelings. Girls are perfectly capable of more than just soft squishy feelings towards other people, and we certainly should be held in better regard to think that should our squishy feelings not be reciprocated, or go unnoticed that we might take up arms and assault the offenders.
Seeing the names of these weapons makes me see red (not pink, a full blown red), it really winds me up and I want yell at everyone nearby that it isn't acceptable!!!!

No, one last thing about the 'girls' Nerf range, the entire thing is called the 'Rebelle' Range.
So as a girl if you are so inclined to enjoy partaking in the shooting of your friendship a fun manner, you are in fact a rebel (and of course it's girl so it's two l's and an e worthy).

To be honest I didn't notice much of any of this until my husband pointed it out to me, and that was merely because I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it, I don't much care for nerf, it's just not my geek point. But my husband sure did.
We've discussed the other range of toys that's been under fire for 'girly-fying' their toys, LEGO. They did make things pink and purple yes, and sure there's more stereotypically 'girl' things in the Lego friends range, but there's also karate practitioners, and Inventors, and vets. So at the very least they have tried to keep the field relatively even. And to be honest my girls get a mix of all the Lego ranges quite happily.

I see so many things coming out for 'girls' and it being just what the boys get but in pink. It's really very frustrating. Superhero underwear...great, love to see that for girls it's annoying that they only get tinker bell, princesses and Dora to choose from. But why is the batman symbol pink? I'd love to see more dinosaur, and superhero and star wars clothes in the 'girls' section. Or perhaps with the exception of some articles which are specifically designed for one gender or the other (yes I’m aware it is necessary for some things) just have a general clothing section and ditch the genderisation.
Toys certainly NEVER need to be categorised by gender and I even shop in some shops over others because they format their catalogues by category (dress up, building, vehicles) rather than girls and boys sections.

In my world my friends allow their children the freedom to like what they like, boys that like pink and play with dolls, girls that love green and play with cars, movies and tv shows that have both male and female protagonists, not just one or the other. But not so for everyone else and people must be falling for this marketing if they're still doing it.
Please, Stop and think, and maybe if we as consumers just stop buying into this garbage they'd change their tactics.
Maybe...unlikely I know but still

Rant over.

Sunday Sample 16.12.13

Well OK not a great start i guess, it's Monday today not Sunday, at least here in Australia anyways.  It's still Sunday in the US so I've kinda got this right.  Right?

Enough of that, i'll try to be on time next week.

So Last weeks news was the arrival and subsequent enjoyment of Takenoko.  
This week isn't a lot different.  Being so close to Christmas board games are hard to find time for, particularly as I've managed to get a cold as well, seriously who has time to be sick at this time of year?  Any way, the news of this week was the ease with which my two girls took to Takenoko.
The only thing we had to adjust for them was that they used only the Panda cards, because let's be honest, mocing the panda IS the attraction of that game for a five year old girl.  Miss 4 enjoyed going through the motions, but fact was she didn't really 'get' what she was doing.  She understood that moving the panda meant he ate bamboo but that was the sum of it.  She also apparently mistook herself for being a panda, and the cards for being bamboo because she chewed on one of the cards.
Consequently, the game has been put away and not brought out again, i think i need some card sleeves.  In fact i'm fairly certain i want to sleeve the cards in any game that the kids are going to come int regular contact with.  

In other news miss 5's gaming gift arrives the other day, the two three dice expansions for Rory's story cubes that she's getting, the prehistoric and enchanted additions.  The extra rubber duckies for Miss 4's xmas game arrived too but we're still waiting on 'Duck Duck Go' to get here.  

This week i'm going to try to make time to work on 'Walk the Plank' with miss 5, and i want to see if i cang do a proper ADA write up for Takenoko.

Other entries to look out for in the, not too distant future.

Store it Up ~ a gamers (second) most pressing issues, storage, problems and solutions.
Walk the Plank ~ report and ADA
Introducing Gamers ~ bringing people in
2014 Anticipation ~ whats coming and whats exciting

I"m sure i'll come up with more to ramble at you about but until then Have a Merry Christmas!

Saturday 7 December 2013

Dec 2013 Kickstarter

So here's some that looked interesting.

Hold Your Breath Card Game & 3-pack Collector's Edition!

I have 'Walk the Plank' and it's a fun filler.  It's a prequel to 'Get bit' and this seems to be the third in the trilogy of games (because trilogies are the IN thing atm).  You can support just the new game, or get copies of the ones you don't have here as well, or of course get all three in the deluxe edition.  Looks like fun.

The Golden Lagoon

This just looks cool.  Co-operative strategy, nice art.
I don't know a lot about it it just looks cool.

who doesn't like hunting for treasure?

These are as usual just a few that looked interesting, there's so many more there and i have of course not got any experience with the games it's all based on the project presentation that i say they look interesting.

Sunday Samples

Alright so I’ve decided to try to dedicate myself to getting at least one Sunday report out a week.
With this in mind I’m going to say this now, sometimes, life happens.
Nevertheless I can find the time today and here I am, wanting to write about my gaming experiences this week which for the most part can be summed up with one word.

I've been looking at reviews of it for awhile now, I saw it on the gencon videos and seriously who wouldn't be interested in a game that has a panda eating bamboo!?!?!? But no one here has it so we couldn't try it out, and I couldn't justify buying it based on 'it looks cool'. Tom Vasel [review] says good things about it, he's even got the super duper special GIANT edition of it which I’m utterly jealous of. And yet still it wasn't a particularly strong argument for purchasing a game blind (we've had a few failures). When Tabletop [episode] played it and my husband said that it looked cool, and a day later OzGamesShop.comemailed me with news of them restocking that very same game...the stars were aligned to my satisfaction (there was also a spectacularly bad day in there that required retail therapy to aid in the recovery from) and much to my bank accounts chagrin I bought us a copy.
Three days ago it arrived on our doorstep.

Since then we've played three games, one with just DH and myself, one with my parents, and one with some family friends.
What do we think if it?
We really enjoy it. It's light, although the theme is very clear for us. The Panda is cute! The non gamers we've played with picked it up quite well. The Panda is cute! Us as gamers really enjoyed the light strategy and mild chance that it provides. The Panda is Cute. And we're thinking miss 5 will be able to play it with little to no adaptation for her ability. AND THE PANDA IS CUTE!

The only criticism I've managed to come up with is that for a are that is based on colours as much as it is the panda and the bamboo there should be symbols for the colours also to cater for those who are colour blind.

DH's (Dukayn) spot!

He won't write (mind you I haven't asked him to yet so I don't really know) but he will talk to me about the games we play and this is what he said about Takenoko.

Quote: 'apart from that [his short list of cons] I love the game, it's really really cool.'

Language independent
components are excellent
mechanics are solid
strategy is light but good.

the dice, it's a natural wooden finish, and the pastel-ish colours they've used for it can be hard to read. If the colours for the symbols are desired then a darker dice (black) ought to be used. But the symbols do not need to be coloured, if they were all in black then the wooden finish dice would work just fine.

He also seriously dislikes the small cards

~~end spot~~

So all in all a positive review which I know is not what this blog is about but heck it's a gaming blog it's gunna happen.

I am hoping to within the next week have a go at the game with miss 5 and have something fro her to share on the game as well as how well it plays scaling it to her level.  We think we won't have to change much to be honest.

As for the rest of the week, last night we got HAMMERED by 'Pandemic'. OMG we've never lost like that before, it was brutal.  I believe we all got two turns and that was it, show over, the outbreaks were 3/4 of the way to wiping us out and we ran out of yellow virus cubes in the tray with such speed we didn't have time to really make a dent in the damage.  It was truly an impressive loss, made me think of a line from a P!nk song "Some times i wan to slap you in your whole face"  not just one cheek but both, at once.
 Forbidden Desert was in some ways meaner because it teased us, let us think we might succeed and then just as we were making the mad dash for the finish line we all died of thirst.

Plans for next week are to get another new game (it's in the post already) 'Duck Duck Go!', but we won't get to play that till after xmas day as it's a present for miss 4. I'm hoping it arrives in time, because the extra ducks I ordered for it have already arrived We're also getting two of the little 3 dice expansions for 'Rory's Story Cubes' as well for miss 5's stocking. Also I need to get into town and put 'Seasons' on layby in our local gaming shop, Area 52, they have it and it's expansion in for me, they are very very patient with me.
Mostly thus time of year is sooooo busy that it's hard to get much gaming done but now I have a goal, to have something to talk about on Sunday mornings.

I'll have other blogs coming up through the week, but if life swallows me whole in the meantime, I’ll see you next Sunday

Tuesday 3 December 2013

xmas guide - Pimp My Game

OK so this isn't the one i mentioned before, the list of thus far anticipate games of the 2013 Christmas period.  This is about those little things that make the already enjoyable experience of gaming, just a little bit more enjoyable for the average gamer.  Accessories.
Games of course come with everything you need in them in order to play the game, it'd be a bit daft for them not to, however some games that are already very good, can become quite extraordinary with a few additions.  Alright perhaps extraordinary is too much but you get the idea of what i'm saying.  The shinnies make things better!  So what to get the gamer who buy all their own games (like we tend to).

Meeples (Lords of Waterdeep)

When i think about additions that improve the game experience this is one of the first thing that come to mind.  'Lords of Waterdeep' is a worker placement that deserves the heading of cube pusher as well.  When one is placing their 'workers' they are in fact pushing small wooden cubes around the board.  replacing the cubes with little people shaped wooden pieces instead would add to the feel of actually managing rogues, wizards, clerics and warriors in order to complete quests rather than manipulating random resources.
Buy it:

Play Mat for Sentinels of the Multiverse

This is a co-operative superhero card game that requires nothing but the cards and a surface to play it on.  however in my poking around the site dedicated to the game i found something that would improve the feel of the game considerably.  It's a play mat.  designated areas for each players cards the environment and enemies cards as well.  It's bright, it's gaudy, it fits the aesthetic of the game perfectly!
Buy it:
Play mat

Dice Tower

Dice towers are pure bling.  A dice can be rolled anywhere one doesn't even really need a flat surface.  However, some people have issues controlling the roll of their dice, they see to think that in the middle of all the carefully placed meeples, cubes, and other precariously constructed structures, is the perfect place to rill their dice to see if they hit the bad guy.  The answer is invariably no, but now it's time to pick up the mess that was made.  Annoying.  Avoidable.
A dice tower, for the most part, contains the roll of the dice and preserves that carefully lined up display pieces that you made while someone else was having a turn.  When i say for the most part, sometimes they do fly astray, but then whats life without  little bit of randomness?
Now the 'Buy it' list here could go on for ever ad ever, it really could, this is a popular item that can be found in pretty much any given flavour of geekery you choose.  I have a friend with a Cthlulhu one for his 'Arkham Horror' game, and I had one made with the Lanister House crest on it for my husband due to his obsession with watching people screw each other in every way imaginable in 'A Game of Thrones'.  (don't get me wrong i watch it too but i'm not oblivious to what it is).  There are steampunk versions, I've even found a tardis one, and at one stage we even has a Dice Tower one here in this house until it got broken.  So a few suggestions for finding these are:
Fun Again Games
Litko Game Accessories

Want to make one fr yourself?  There's a bunch of ideas here: Pinterest

Virii Pandemic

Pandemic, a great game, a favourite in this house.  But the virii are cubes, not terribly representative really.  With that in mind these are a great way to fix that.  Apart from anything they show off the rather funky looking shapes that virii have, i mean, really there's even virii plushies because they looks so oddly cool.
Buy it:

Card Sleeves -
There are those among us who are somewhat aware of the sheer amount of money that is involved in a hobby such as gaming.  And as such when we buy something it is important to us to make sure that our things are protected as much as possible from damage.  One of my favorite games is Dixit, and one day i had a card stick to  table, when i removed said card it was damaged and from then on i had to make sure that that card was removed from the game.  This made me say as it's one of my favorites I have since had the card replaced and all is well in my world of Dixit again.  But my cards are no sleeved as well.  As are my Sentinels of the Multiverse cards, it's a popular game in this house, used often, and not cheap.
Now LCG and CCG players already seem to understand the import of these small but in some way invaluable accessories because competitions seem to have the requirement that cards are sleeved before one is allowed to play.
However it's important to know what size of card you're buying, there is not a universal card size not even amongst those that seem like they're the same size, trust me, they aren't and that one millimeter matters.  Sleeving cards also leads to storage issues sometimes cards take up twice the space when they are sleeved, so those decks might not fit in their deck boxes once sleeved, but storage is the topic of an upcoming blog entry so i'll go right to the suggestions on where to get sleeves.  I'll list a few but pretty much most stores that sell games also will sell card sleeves online or brick and mortar.
Buy it:

Fantasy Flight

Now a lot of these were game specific, and that's really a side effect of having favourite games, you tend to know what would make them and even better experience.  Most games will have something you can add that'll make them more unique to you, and improve on the experience in some way.  I have a friend who has little tiny clay hearts and brain tokens to replace the cardboard ones in Arkham horror, as well as a an alternate first player token, and Arkham Horror specific dice when the standard D6 that come with the game work just fine.  I know someone who has bought little wooden hearts for their version of 'love letter' instead of using the little square cubes that come with it.  it's all surface stuff, and some epople won't buy them because a game is perfectly functional without all the bling.  But it's nice to have and a lovely gift to give someone if you know they have a game they love to play.

For more ideas and suggestions check this out
board game geek forum thread.

And jut because i HAVE to mention it (because I'd both love to have one and somewhere to put it if i had it) there are some more extravagant accessories that would make a game geek grin gaily.
Geek Chic Table
because really why wouldn't you?

Grown up games and expansion xmas lists

ok i'll try to keep this one a bit shorter because there's two lists here so straight into it

games playable by adults that we've enjoyed over the last year and would make nice xmas presents.

Sentinels of the Multiverse -
it's been between print runs until now, it is available from their site now, with new and improved errata and new boxing for the expansions, plus a promotion.
A superhero game with non branded superheroes, it feels like you all have you're own special powers and the bad guys need to be taken down.  It's not easy, sometimes you get beaten but working together is fun, and we all know i love a good co-op.  And there's a new mega expansion due out in march next year.
Buy it:

Forbidden Desert -
new to the shelves this year, it's kind of like a more forgiving Forbidden island, and yet there's more complexity to it.  This was an instabuy for us, we're quite the fan of Matt Leacock games in this house.
Buy it:

Letters from Whitechapel -
this is a mostly co-op game, all the bobby's work together against my jack the ripper himself.   This one is dripping with theme, and atmosphere and a lot of fun.  not cheap, but production quality is good, which is no surprise from Fantasy Flight.
Buy it:

Escape: The Curse of the Temple -
Ok another co-op.  this is a fast paced, fun game that i haven't ever not enjoyed.  taking exactly 10 minutes to play there's a lot of 'let's d that again' if you get the right crowd. In the wrong crowd people will declare exhaustion and opt out of replaying it.  Still this is one of the games I've been really happy with getting this year.
Buy it:

Seasons -
because i had to have at least one non co-op in the list.  This is an elegant game, great with four players and I've heard just as great with two.  Playing it i kind of got similar feelings from this as i did games like Magic the gathering, 7 wonders and roll through the ages.  But don't for a second think that this game is actually anything like any of those games, it is it's own beast and utterly enjoyable.
Buy it:

So they're the games we've particularly enjoyed this year, both light-ish and heavier.
But this gaming world is hardly ever cut and dry, it's never just the game is it?  Nope, there are expansions to almost any game you buy.  Ok that might be an exaggeration but still you get the gist of what i'm saying so...
Here's a list of expansions that we have as a family enjoyed this year.

Quarrirs: Quartifacts
The dice 'deck building' game.  it's fun, it's silly, it's all based on chance and luck and now there are quests that make the game a little more involved and add variety.  I'm a fan of variety, this is a fun one.
But it:

Pandemic: In the Lab
And here's the other Matt Leacock game.  We enjoy the base game a lot, and the first expansion 'On the Brink' was ok but this one 'In the Lab' is considerably better, not only adding a new element that makes some of the mechanics make a lot more sense thematically speaking but adding in a 'team game' option that i have yet to try out.
Buy it:

Dixit: Dixit Odyssey
Now this is actually an old expansion (2011), and when i say old i mean there's been others since.  However this is the one that increases the number of players possible from six to twelve and 'technically' has enough room in it for all of the versions of this game prior to it's publishing.  I say technically because i sleeve my cards and therefore have less space.  The art is awesome the game play elegant and fun, nothing more to be said about this.  I don't happen to own the newest expansion, i'm sure it's just as great as this one.
Buy it:

Battlestar Galactica: Pegasus
The first expansion of the three available for this game.  It brings with it plastic base stars and new ships, new characters and a whole new mechanic.  I did find my enjoyment of this game increased considerably though when playing with this expansion, for one reason or another i can't quite pin point but it's lots of fun and well worth the investment.

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels and  Skullport 
New expansion and possibly between print runs right now due to a few printing errors in the first run.  I don't mind the errors though, I love the added mechanic, new buildings, and new quests this expansion brings to a game i already enjoyed a great deal.  it's a modular expansion which i really like also.  It also brings with it the ability to add an extra player to the game.
Buy it:

There we have it.  Games and Game expansion list recommendations for xmas shopping
All recommendations are based on my own personal and families level of enjoyment, and the limited game play time i have managed to get in lately.
No animals were hurt in the making of these lists.


It's Christmas time!

Ok I used to hate Christmas,
perhaps hate it too extreme, more of a general distaste for the mass hype and mass marketing of the season, I was younger, single, or with my adult partner and the season just didn't hold much magic for us.

Then we had kids

So here is one of three obligatory Christmas posts I’m planning on doing this year.
Maybe in years to come I can do or say more but our family is relatively new to this hobby so we're starting small.

Christmas gift lists.
There are those who have done a number of them already. I personally follow the dice tower videos quite closely and use their shopping lists for advice.
However, not to feel left out I thought I’d add my humble opinion to the ether that is known as the internet.

I”ll write one lists here, one for kids/family (probably more kids) and later in another entry one for adults because these are the games I have the most experience with personally. In yet another entry I’ll be addressing games that are being released for the silly season this year, games I haven't tried but I’m excited for either because they are new to the market or because they have been between print runs and the new stock is soon to be released.

Any ways on to the lists

for the kids!

there is another similar game to this called zooloretto that I have yet to try, it's possible ihat it's better given that the theme is more engaging but nevertheless coloretto has been enjoyed by everyone in this house. We play it as a family and even my slightly fractious four year old understands the mechanics of how it's played. The point scoring system is a bit above her, as it is miss 5, but they both enjoy trying to collect the colours into sets. It's quick enough that we usually play twice but on a third play through both girls lost interest half way through.
Buy it:

This is both an adorable and annoying game. It's adorable because you're moving little plastic penguins around to collect as many fish as possible. It's annoying because the board is made up of little hexes and children bump game boards, its inevitable and in the case of this game that's messy and inconvenient. However, even though the 'straight line' concept is a little hard to get through to the wee ones particularly as we're talking about diagonal straight lines, they do enjoy it, and miss 5 now understands the scoring I based on how many fish she managed to collect. The way I see it it's a great start in learning game play similar to chess, and for that reason even the adults can enjoy this deceptively engaging kids game.
Buy it:

I know I know, not technically a kid game
but it's been a hit with both my girls for almost a full year now. We adapt the rules as I’ve previously written about but they love it all the same. Collecting the coloured cards, placing the trains it's both mentally stimulating and physically engaging enough to keep them interested for a full game. It is their number one requested game, which is why it's right here in the kids list.
Buy it:

This is a new one and I actually have yet to play it with my girls. I'm fairly certain miss 4 won't get it but miss 5, yeah, with the images on the cards that show what they do as well as the words, she'll get it pretty well. Ad who doesn't like a game about pushing each others pirates off the ship? This was a kickstarter campaign that I backed and i've been happy with the results. Made by the same company that made 'Getbit', a game about who can swim away from the shark the fastest, 'Walk the Plank' it was marketed as a prequel, and if one can imagine that the pirates, once they fell into the water, managed to escape the kraken like death awaiting them and somehow managed to turn into robots in the process (because really who wouldn't want to be a robot surrounded by all that salt water), it can sure be seen that way. But anyway, it's fun, it's simple, and it's one of the cheaper games on the list.
Buy it:

Ok I know the subject matter on this one might seem a little off for wee ones. And if not for the fat that in her first week of kinder miss 5 came home and started talking about zombies and moaning whilst asking for brains, my girls would probably still be unaware of the whole world of undead media flooding us lately. But she did come home talking about it and as such I kind of decided not to fight it and went with it. So, of course, zombie dice. It's a simple game, miss 5 has even taught it to an adult quite effectively before, but it has a lot of educational value (I’ll write about that some time) to it and it's a quick fun game for anyone of any age.
Buy it:

The game that didn't make the list – Rory's Story Cubes

This was simply not written about because i've already written about it quite extensively. But it's good.

So there we have it the top 5 hits with my girls as of Dec 2013.
Lots of fun, none super expensive, all almost small enough to put in the Christmas stocking.
And Merry Christmas!

Saturday 24 August 2013

Aug Kickstarter heads up.

Just a few I thought worth noticing.


Havok & Hijinks - Don't slay a dragon... BE one!
I thought this one looks really cute!
Havok & Hijinks™ is a family-friendly, light strategy card game featuring cute, humorous dragons competing for treasure.

Tom Vasel Approved, looks interesting
A strategic 2-5 players card game of clever tactics & critical consequences, set in a world of spies, sabotage, secrecy and subterfuge.

Belle of the Ball: A Fancy Schmancy Card Game
It's the eve of Carnivale on the Victorian isle of Ludobel, and you're invited! Do you have what it takes to throw the perfect party?

Smash Monster Rampage
A huge monster is attacking your city! Mobilize your troops and dispatch the beast before it's too late in this cooperative game.

Game Accesories:

Unique Dice Towers adds individuality and fun to your game. Cthulhu adds chaos and insanity. Complete Cthulhu adds shock and awe!

Sunday 18 August 2013

The Collection Aug. 2013.

So i figure, why not, let's talk about 'The Collection'.

My husband and i have been tabletop gaming for about a year now, and it is very much our own shared hobby that started outside of our identities as parents.
We turned out minds to sharing this hobby with our kids about 6 months after we started recognizing the capacity of learning ad quality time together that it created.

It started as most peoples game collections do with the mainstream additions yous see there, monopoly, hungry hippos, scrabble, and so on.
But we knew there were other kinds of games out there and as I've written before we slowly made our way into this world and this is how the collection looks as of yesterday afternoon.
It looks like a lot but it really isn't we can still look at this and think 'there's nothing we want to play there' because we've played them all very often and love them all but sometimes something new is in order.

I'd love to see other peoples collections not necessarily through, that takes a bit of work but a photo would be awesome.



Bloggers envy

Yep i has it.  Bloggers envy.
Well to be honest it's access envy but there is a blog that i've been following for awhile called 'Growing Up Gamers'
They review games, and preview games and talk about the importance of gaming with your family, and have access to new stuff etc.
This is really just a short post to draw peoples attention to the blog, they have some great material s here have a look!

It's all About Taste ~P.3 Dice Games.~

Dice Games

Some people just love Dice
D6, D12. D20, D100, D16, D13 (i'd like a few of these)
Dragon dice, destiny dice, wooden dice, volcanic rock dice, metal dice, combat dice, defense dice, scatter dice.


OK that last one was a game not a kind of dice but this is about dice games so it fits.

Collecting dice just because would be quite the enjoyable task i think.  But I prefer my dice to have the context of a game attached to them.

Of course whats a dice game?  Some are obvious, Quarriors, Dice garden, Castle Dice, Rory's story Cubes, D&D.
It was brought to my attention though that there are games that seem to fit into other categories also fall into the dice game category, for example Descent, Arkham Horror, Battlestar Galactica.
With that in mind it makes it really hard to comment on all dice games, because i just haven't played them all, heck i haven't played all the 'all' dice games that i mentioned.  I want to but haven't yet.

But i'm not here to review all these games i'm just putting my thoughts on these kinds of games out there into the webisphere.
I like them, they're fun.  rolling dice adds an element of chance that is a lot of fun.  And like my first game of Quarriors last night it could just be that my luck sux, or like my second it could be a lot better.  There is a lack of strategy in the rolling of the dice but in some games like Elder Sign, and king of Tokyo there is some strategy in what you do with what you rolled and how effective it is at helping you in your game.

What can kids get from this?
Well for one they usually love rolling dice, that's just fun.
If the game is language independent then kids can 'get' the game easier as with 'Zombie Dice'
They can begin to develop and concept of chance
and then there's applying the concept of making what you get work for you, instead of being sad about what you didn't get.

Dice games can be expensive due to the cost of the components, particularly if the dice are custom made but in the end i think there's a lot of replay-ability in many of them and enjoyment is usually high.
It does of course depend on the game not all dice games would be worth the cost, but i think thoe that we have have been worth it.
I'm going to focus on Quarriors for our next Age Down Adaptation to see if i can bring this game to my girls sooner rather than later.   So stay tuned.

Zombie Dice and a 5 year old

Well this blog is supposed to be mostly about families and games more specifically children in games.
So with that in mind i figured i ought to do make a post with that sort of theme.

I recently acquired Zombie Dice, a short little push your luck dice game.  It is what i call a 'filler game' and I've been slowly building my collection of these games for a number of reasons.  The cost of these games is one reasons, many of these games run n the expensive side, which for the amount of fun you get form them isn't to say they aren't worth it, it's just that it can make it hard to collect a selection so that one might have a choice when a game is proposed.  Zombie Dice put us $20 out of pocket and is one of the cheapest in our collection now.  However the main one being to accommodate the attention span of the wee folk.

5 year olds aren't known for their attention span and even less so three year olds and so the short running time, quick turn over of turns and language independent nature of this game made it quite accessible to my girl.

So did miss 5 like it?  Yes, yes she did and at out recently local games festival i was very proud of her, she TAUGHT the game to a grown up who hadn't ever played before.
The only problem I can perceive there potentially being is the theme.  Some parents MAY think that zombies aren't terribly appropriate material for kids to be playing with.  I was one of them for awhile but the market is so saturated with them these days that as soon as miss 5 started school, she became exposed to the concept and the battle was lost.  Despite that the theme in this was nice, one collects brains and tries not to get shot too often, that's about the sum of it.  With that in mind the person with the most brains once one person reaches 13 is the winner and it's a great opportunity for basic math skills to be practiced  in a 'real world' situation (being the paying of a game not the collecting of brains).

We first saw the game on Tabletop as we see many of our games and like Tsuro which is in that same episode it is a wee folk favorite now.
As for miss 3, she's not there yet.

TLDR Verdict: fun game, kid loves it, cheap, entertaining, educational.

Saturday 10 August 2013

2013 Hobart Winter Games Festival ~p1.~

Yesterday July 10th was the 2013 Hobart Winter Games Festival held at the Mid City hotel.
I had the pleasure of attending form just after it started al the way to almost close thanks to my amazing babysitters. That's not to say the kids didn't go but 10 hours of gaming would have been a little too much for them.
I'm going to start with some photos of the space we were inhabiting

This was our games table, anyone could take one of these games and play them in a group.  They were all provided by HOGS members so generously letting people play with their games, given the price of these things i think that is a truly remarkable thing to be honest.  The selection was phenomenal!

Area 52 is our local games store and they set up an impressive display for people to buy and discounted prices.  They also sponsored the event ad helped pay for the venture which was amazing.  This is 2/3 of their display my poor little phone camera couldn't get it all in.  The wonderful thing about this was, if there was something they hadn't brought up to show off, and they had it in the store, Caroline was perfectly happy to either go get it form the store of have it sent up which was above and beyond.

There were three raffles, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm.  All prizes donated by HOGS and Area 52 (I believe).  The money raised through this and the old coin donation entry fee, went to the children's hospital.  the prizes were great!

The second hand stall, selling games here helped us fund an extra new game which was awesome.  It was good to see happy smiley faces walking away with games at significantly reduced prices.  

 And last but not least, food for the masses.  Soup, chicken and veggie, as well as tomato vegetarian.  All free, all delicious, all home made.

Everyone had fun, the turn out was good, the bar was close the atmosphere happy.  I don't know about numbers but i do know we had a whole page of new memberships signed up for the local games group HOGS which is exciting.

As for the games that i got photos of and saw played, i'll do another entry to cover that to stop this one being GIANT.

Friday 9 August 2013

Competition without rivalry ~musings~

Competition without rivalry

Recently I’ve been giving some thought to what games teach us, as adults about ourselves, our society. But as usual also what they teach our kids as they develop to be the adults of our future.
This come as I watch my daughter sit on my husbands knee and watch an NFL game between the Miami Dolphins and the Jacksonville Jaguars. He's in heaven that she asked to come up onto his lap and watch and she's asking questions where her older sister has about as much interest in the game as I do (which is to say, none).
As they sit there and she asks questions I hear him say, 'we are going for these guys, not those guys we hate those guys.” and “Who goes for those other guys? Silly people do.” and I realise just how much bigotry and hatred cam come from the fandom of these 'games'.
I know it before of course, the rabid fanaticism that comes with any fandom baffles me, from the screaming and crying fans of Bieber, to the riots at soccer games, to the twihard moms who queue up and drool all over someone young enough to be their own child.
However I notice that within the competition world there's so much...hatred involved. One can be a fan of an artist for example ad that doesn't automatically create a rivalry, it merely expresses and appreciation for the creations of said artist. When it comes to games, sport, board, and even computer, there is by nature competition.
I encourage my husband to share his favorite sport with the girls, and the environment of friendly competition, I however discourage sentiments of 'hating' another sports team simply because you support someone else. Even more so I discourage the fostering of rivalry amongst fans. Really? Why is it even a thing? I can like something, you can like something else, do we need to compete amongst ourselves? Can't we leave that competition to those who are paid absurd amounts of money to play that game?

How does this translate to board games which is what this blog is about? Quite simply, I want to encourage,
competition: “a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage”
rivalry which is synonymous with, antagonism; jealousy.

This is probably to be expected given my preferred kind of board game is the co-op game, the idea of working together to achieve a goal versus defeating someone else in order to secure your own win. However there are many games that are adversarial, or competitive and they are fun. Depending on how the other people to play it. I have labelled player elimination games as the 'glorification of bullying' and I stand by that, anyone who deliberately and relentlessly targets someone in order to win a game or for the increase of their own enjoyment of the game is participating in bullying behaviour. And I see the rivalry that is created within sports fans as a similar sort of thing.

So what would I like to see my kids raised with?
Competition without rivalry.
Support a team,
celebrate their achievements,
play your own game

boo the other team,
don't revel in their losses.
No gloating
NO HATRED! (seriously hatred is a serious, sad, and dangerous thing, games don't warrant it)

I know some people have a hard time with the distinction, it's really not that hard. I see it as standard human decency really.

I can even say I have been in the past a fan of a sports team, in the days of Rodman, Jordan, Longley, and Pippen I was a Chicago Bulls Fan I followed tier games watched them, perched on the edge of my seat as I watched them play their way to the NBA championship back in high school. I liked that team and hod no particular opinion of any other team, why would I give them my time when I was following he Bulls? And buying into a rivalry that's 'always been there' as a matter of course (because the teams themselves obviously will form such backgrounds and rivalries amongst themselves) is just being a sheep and following the crowd.

Ok enough preaching.
Now that I’ve possibly offended every person I ever knew, I’m off to the gamesfest! Another blog entry tomorrow on today's event.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Zombies for the whole family.

Our most recent acquisition is one we've been meaning to acquire since we saw the Table Top episode featuring to some time ago.
At the moment I’m on the look out for fun, QUICK 'filler' games. Those games you pull our during the dinner run or while you're waiting for the other table to finish their game. Quick, light and just plain fun.
Not surprisingly anything that the kids can play NOW instead of 'in the near or not so near future' also wins my attention.
So how do I feel about the theme? To be honest it's not one I'd have shown my girls so young, but very shortly after Miss 5 started school she started talking about zombies. Well OK then that burst that little bubble I was trying to maintain and there was no putting it back together. With that in mind...the theme in zombie dice, while fun and quite accurate it's light, there is zero theme immersion for this game, it's a dice game after all. Meaning tat it has turned out to be a fun little game to play with miss 5 and much to my surprise she not only understands the rules, and tactics but she is good at it. So far she's won more than half of the games she's played.
Educational value on a game like this could be overlooked but watching her I could see what she had already learned, and what she could learn by playing this.

The standard lessons apply, turn taking, waiting, and good sportsmanship, all a part of playing games and important aspects that make the game fun for everyone.
She's beginning to learn that not winning is OK so long as you had fun.

The one that I see she's grasping very effectively that just blows my mind is the risk reward aspect of the game. Only one gunshot, OK she'll roll again but two? NO that's not worth it and it's time to bank the brains. She's even grasping already that the green is good the red is bad and the yellow is in between. It really is quite remarkable to see her understanding this and implementing it. She's only 5! Still a baby!

As for what she can still learn by playing game, the mathematics involved in scoring is a learning curve for her. You have three brains, you just banked five, so how many do you have. It's simple addition. I think at her level it'd be easier if we used tokens to give her a visual and a physical element to count out her brains. The dice we're using to keep count of our score is a little abstract for her at this stage.

Still it's a fun game that is great to play with the family, it doesn't take long so multiple plays are inevitable.