Friday, 10 January 2014

Dice Men Cometh and New Approaches

So I fell off the every Sunday report thing, mostly because it's become hard to repost on this when nothing is happening here in terms of games
Mostly because I seem to wake up on Monday and thing 'damn yesterday was Sunday'

In the last week though there have been more games, between a house warming party with gamer friends and my purchasing of Zooloretto Dice, and my husband and I actually going to our local gaming groups event tonight ought to give me something to write about tomorrow morning.

What am I here to say today?

Well our very active local games group (HoGS) has managed to secure themselves a radio spot. I know I know radio is kind of antiquated these days but still, it can be listened to on Wed night on Edge radio 99.3. The last three weeks of the show re stream is also available on the edge radio website

The segment is call 'The Dice Men Cometh', they're on facebook 

It's kind of exciting and fun to listen to people we know talking about games we play and the pro, cons, recommendations and warnings they put out there. It's worth a listen to, if you're at all interested not only in computer games but the local scene for the hobby.

Now on to the future of Board Mamma.

I love board games and hope to raise board gamers in my home. Their benefits are amazing and they have become a way of life in this house in many ways. I will continue to report on board gaming life within my family and friends.
However as a mother of two amazing girls there's so much else I spend my time giving attnetion to that I feel like sharing.
For instance raising my girls to be 'self rescuing princesses',
Bring to their worlds not only board games but superheroes, dr who, batman (he's my fav. so he is to be mentioned outside of the standard superhero banner), computer games, books, science and empowering music.
I have a number of websites I use to help keep me informed in what's available, and people I bounce theories off, and even a number of friends who are raising young boys and get to discuss the issues that arise from some of these things I endeavor to instill in my girls.

I will say this though. Ever since I’ve actually been paying attention to what enters my kids worlds, what influences are in their lives, I’ve had so much more fun raising my little geeks than I did when I mindlessly just assumed if it's for kids it's ok.
I did at one point have a tumblr account I updated on occasion called 'Raising Geeks' which I had to stop because tumblr just sets my poor laptop to overheating.

So all in all Board Mamma is going to become welcome to my parenting efforts, but hey, it involves stuff anyone who is reading this loves so why not!?!?!

With all that in mind I will be doing an entry about game storage very soon so stay tuned.
Zooloretto dice game first play through report will come soon.
Thoughts on Eldritch Horror to come
what we (miss 5 and myself) think of 'Frozen'
and I shall discuss the costume choices of my girls when faced with a dr who costume party.
The phenomenon that Skylanders has become in out house
LEGO! All the lego and how EVERYONE in this house loves it (as well as thought on lego friends)
and yes I’m going to write up a post tomorrow about the games I manage to play tonight.

I have my list, YOU have my list. Stay tuned.

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