Yesterday July 10th
was the 2013 Hobart Winter Games Festival held at the Mid City hotel.
I had the pleasure of
attending form just after it started al the way to almost close
thanks to my amazing babysitters. That's not to say the kids didn't
go but 10 hours of gaming would have been a little too much for them.
I'm going to start with
some photos of the space we were inhabiting
This was our games table, anyone could take one of these games and play them in a group. They were all provided by HOGS members so generously letting people play with their games, given the price of these things i think that is a truly remarkable thing to be honest. The selection was phenomenal!
Area 52 is our local games store and they set up an impressive display for people to buy and discounted prices. They also sponsored the event ad helped pay for the venture which was amazing. This is 2/3 of their display my poor little phone camera couldn't get it all in. The wonderful thing about this was, if there was something they hadn't brought up to show off, and they had it in the store, Caroline was perfectly happy to either go get it form the store of have it sent up which was above and beyond.
There were three raffles, 3pm, 5pm, 7pm. All prizes donated by HOGS and Area 52 (I believe). The money raised through this and the old coin donation entry fee, went to the children's hospital. the prizes were great!

The second hand stall, selling games here helped us fund an extra new game which was awesome. It was good to see happy smiley faces walking away with games at significantly reduced prices.
Everyone had fun, the turn out was good, the bar was close the atmosphere happy. I don't know about numbers but i do know we had a whole page of new memberships signed up for the local games group HOGS which is exciting.
As for the games that i got photos of and saw played, i'll do another entry to cover that to stop this one being GIANT.
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