Sunday, 18 August 2013

Zombie Dice and a 5 year old

Well this blog is supposed to be mostly about families and games more specifically children in games.
So with that in mind i figured i ought to do make a post with that sort of theme.

I recently acquired Zombie Dice, a short little push your luck dice game.  It is what i call a 'filler game' and I've been slowly building my collection of these games for a number of reasons.  The cost of these games is one reasons, many of these games run n the expensive side, which for the amount of fun you get form them isn't to say they aren't worth it, it's just that it can make it hard to collect a selection so that one might have a choice when a game is proposed.  Zombie Dice put us $20 out of pocket and is one of the cheapest in our collection now.  However the main one being to accommodate the attention span of the wee folk.

5 year olds aren't known for their attention span and even less so three year olds and so the short running time, quick turn over of turns and language independent nature of this game made it quite accessible to my girl.

So did miss 5 like it?  Yes, yes she did and at out recently local games festival i was very proud of her, she TAUGHT the game to a grown up who hadn't ever played before.
The only problem I can perceive there potentially being is the theme.  Some parents MAY think that zombies aren't terribly appropriate material for kids to be playing with.  I was one of them for awhile but the market is so saturated with them these days that as soon as miss 5 started school, she became exposed to the concept and the battle was lost.  Despite that the theme in this was nice, one collects brains and tries not to get shot too often, that's about the sum of it.  With that in mind the person with the most brains once one person reaches 13 is the winner and it's a great opportunity for basic math skills to be practiced  in a 'real world' situation (being the paying of a game not the collecting of brains).

We first saw the game on Tabletop as we see many of our games and like Tsuro which is in that same episode it is a wee folk favorite now.
As for miss 3, she's not there yet.

TLDR Verdict: fun game, kid loves it, cheap, entertaining, educational.

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