Sunday 7 April 2013

"Hello Sunshine"

I recently watched a Tom Vassel Review on a little kids game called "hello Sunshine"  It's new to the market, about $25 US dollars and it's about having fun and learning prepositions, behind, under, on top of etc.
Here's the review

and the game on

It's  cute little game, for very young kids and a fun want to engage kids in games.  It's active for them while the parents can sit and they run around, or, conversely you can hide the bear and watch them run around looking for it, and then get them to tell you were it was.

Such a simple concept really.
And in my humble opinion, completely not needing $25 our of your pocket.
Most kids, i know mine sure do, have more toys than they ever play with.  we have a box of stuffed toys that they barely touch anymore.
And as a mother who thinks craft is important i have a cupboard full of craft things including coloured card stock, scissors and texters.
Not everyone has these things but even so it ought to cost maybe $10 at the outside to acquire them from a discount store if you don't

At which point it's a simple matter of finding one of the a fore mentioned not played with toys, cutting the card stock into card sized pieces and drawing (albeit in my case with rather rudimentary drawing abilities) the desired locations on the cards.
We had a spare KFC box lying around the house but any box would to or even just a plastic baggy to out the cards in once your done and voila, storage for the exact same game.
In my case free, at the most $10.

A perfect example of the cost of games not always being high, the return being great.  In this case the cost for return wouldn't have been worth it if i'd bought it, because i can have the exact same thing, for free!  I'll admit, it's not As pretty, but it's the running aorund bit that they love not how it looks.

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