Tuesday 23 April 2013

Obsessions with playing badly: GoT LCG musings.

An obssesion with something I play badly.
The pitfalls of the collectable and living card game.

15 years ago I played Magic the Gathering with my college friends (grade 11 and 12). The amount of money bot I and my parents sunk into that game was...mind boggling, and even more so with the knowledge that years down the track I would accidental throw all those cards out.
So when the living card game came into our consciousness I was very very cautious about embarking on that journey again, two kids, a mortgage these things make that money pit a dangerous one to teeter on the edge of.
The key difference between the living card game and the collectible card game being that when you buy your add ons you know exactly what you're buying and how it will help your decks. The collectible card game is a blind buy and you may waste $15 or so to get nothing you want which is where the trading come into it.
With that knowledge I thought that buying into the 'Game of Thrones Living Card Game' was a safer venture than Magic turned out to be.

What I didn't take into account was my my lack of ability to play the game with any sort of skill level.
Well no that's a lie no one can play with no skill level, it's more of the fact that my skill level is very low.
As a result after two days of losing games, not a single one out of about 10 games played, I’ve also been looking at what cards come in what add ons (called chapter packs) and where to get them for the cheapest possible, I think I’ve sourced about $150 worth of chapter packs that would make my decks AWESOME!
Then my husband played one of my 'losing' decks...and won.
It's not the decks, it's not the cards

it's me.

And yet I still look, at what I can get to make the deck idiot proof as it seems to need to be.
It's a sad thing really, that I fell into this trap again and nevertheless here I am.
Happy to play and lose and look and plan the expenditure of money that given my apparent lack of skill won't help me out at all.

I have blogs to read on building the best dragon decks, and there's guidelines for the winning Greyjoy decks and I will forever hate playing the Lanisters and any deck that can't win on it's own merit therefore warranting the use of a Valar (even though I run one as part of a working mechanic of a specific deck).
Will I ever get any good at it, well seeing as the more I play the worse I get, probably not, but I’ll keep trying, i'm trying to be smart not so much about the amount of money we sink into it but the rate at which we do it, bills to pay after all. And if there is ever a point at which I’ve sunk enough cash into it that the cards win on their own with very little guidance form me, I’ll be sure to let the internet know.

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