Friday 5 April 2013


This seems like  good time to mention this as I've just found a project worth backing
Now there is many a debate as to whether kickstarter is a good thing, giving peoples projects a chance to become available where they might not otherwise do so.  Some say that the publishing companies are just being cheap, not wanting to invest in something they don't know will be successful so they get the general populous to fund it instead.
Whatever you opinion of kickstarter i'm not really wishing to debate it, it has its goods and its bads, i'm writing this because i like the idea of backing peoples artistic contributions to our world, because it's nice to think that games that might not otherwise be made will be made because people helped it happen.  Because as a consumer i like to have a say in what i'm interested in and what i'd like to see become a thing.
I've back one other project that i have not yet received  but it looks like a pretty amazing thing and i'm really looking forward to it being done and delivered.  Having said that there is one big thing that one must understand about kickstarter.
1. pledging doesn't mean paying immediately, you pay ONLY when they project reaches it's end date and only if it received enough promised of support to reach their initial goal.
2. you're paying to help someone make something, because you believe in the project, because you'd like to see it become available.  Sure the backing rewards are great but a project may not offer those, they are still worth supporting.  I have been known to back a project for more than i might normally do in order to get specific backer rewards, but that's not to say i'd not have backed it if those rewards weren't available.
3.  And this is the big one.  There is NO guarantee of receiving your items if there were backer rewards.  There just isn't.  You need to select carefully and be aware that once your money is gone, you may never see any returns for it, such is our world.  It's an exercise in trust as much as it is an exercise in crowd funding.

All of that aside i like to support something every now and again.  I tend to make sure as best I can that the project is legit, like hearing about it from Dice towers Tom Vassel during one of his podcasts, or knowing that it's linked with an already existing item for instance this one
I know that 'Get Bit' is an already existing game, so i am taking it on faith that this projects association with that lends it a reasonable amount of legitimacy.
And here is how i know that 'get bit' is a real thing

I do know several people who have received the products they backed on kickstarter and enjoyed them greatly.  So particularly in the world of games it's a great way to have a say in whats produced and to lend your support for something you believe will be enjoyable and rewarding if it became available to buy off the shelf.  Or in the case of Dice Tower, I use his reviews and podcasts to keep myself informed and to know what games are of internet to me and my family, therefore i felt that it was only fair to back his continuation to provide a service that i use so heavily.

Personaly i have backed, all of which are finished now but just to give you an idea.
The Dice tower season 9
Storm Hollow: The board game
and my husband has backed Mobile frame Zero

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